First, one of the changes that has happened since we talked is that I will be returning briefly to the states Dec 15 - Jan 8. There is a very good reason behind it, other than the very nice one of getting to be home with my family over the holidays. A lot of the laws have changed here in Ecuador, that also included the visa laws. Before I arrived in September it was perfectly ok to change your visa type from Tourist to Missionary in Ecuador. But then after I got here we found out that this is no longer possible. So that meant that I would have to return to the states to get my visa within three months. That put the date right at Christmas (my family is really excited about that). However there is still one catch. They also changed the requirements of what makes an organization and official one here. That means that the organization that will supply the documents for my missionary visa now has to re-prove that they are an organization. We are not sure how long this will take, it has already been a month that they have been working on this. So keep praying that the documents come in time for my trip back to Texas or I may be spending more time at home than planned!
Ok, as for the story about truth #6, honestly, I have a bit of trouble telling it. It is probably my pride (which I am losing a lot of this week..). On Sunday, I visited the beach with a friend. We spent the whole day there and before you ask or even think it, YES i did put on sunscreen! We had a lot of fun during our time there, playing in the ocean, going on a boat ride, seeing a dolphin, and just having a day off. It was not until the two hour bus ride home that I began to realize something... THE SUN IN ECUADOR IS VERY STONG! I am very burnt, the worst in my whole life in fact. The worst would be my legs. I say this because this is Wednesday night and I have not been about to walk since Sunday night... Ok, well I do walk but lets just say one of those granny walkers would be a GREAT help.

First, let me describe how i have to get up off my bed, which takes a full five minutes (yes, I timed it). I begin by taking my poor swollen legs carefully off of the nice fluffy pillow and just lower them by a few degrees every 20 seconds. You see, if I were to just put my feet straight down on the floor what happens is an excruciating wave of pain hits me and liquid comes out of my tear ducts. Still the lowering by degrees is quite painful (excruciating has become my favorite word this week) but at least it is bearable. Then after I finally get my little feet -well maybe my chubby, swollen feet would be a more accurate picture- I do this funny rocking thing where I end up leaning over holding on to the bed (this is where is walker would come in handy as I already have the posture down completely). From there I do this shuffle walk/hop/dance thing that must look totally ridiculous, therefore I keep my door shut at all times and have REFUSED to take pictures! I also have this lovely pain medicine that also makes me a bit loopy, this also adds a bit of fun to the mix of things. In fact, I am on the medicine at the moment so I hope that I am writing in understandable sentences... There are some good things that have come out of this thing though. First, I realized how much pride I still have in my life and am learning again to be dependent on others. Second, because the pain in my legs has been so bad I have hardly noticed the burn on my arms and back. Third, it has given me a lot of time to sit and think (did i mention that it has already been three days?). Fourth, I have learned to avoid the sun in Ecuador at all costs!!!!!
I also wanted to give all of you a run down on what I do here with OM in Ecuador or more accurately what I have been doing. Mostly, I have been studying the language like crazy! I feel that I am getting a grasp on things but my speaking and listening is still rather slow. I will need to be able to communicate well for many of the things that I will be doing. The other part of my work has been focused on the Personnel side of things. I get to work with the new applicants to OM Ecuador, the ones who are already out on the field and the ones here in the office. I also have been doing in on our weekly projects, the University English Club and the Santay Island project. Then as this is Latin American, you never know from week to week what might pop up. I have participated in a Mentoring clinic, dressed up as a Swedish girl in a missions parade, participated in an Evangelism training and many other things. I have pictures from all of these things but as those are in my camera which is in a place currently unknown and as each move I make at the moment is weighed carefully against the certain excruciating pain that it will bring. I am not going to post those pictures at the moment.
Please pray for these following things:
1. The visa situation - that all the documents will come in time
2. My health and the health of our team here (sickness has been hitting all of us!)
3. The unity of the churches here, they are very individualistic
Muchas gracias mis amigos! Dios te bendiga! Y espero te voy a ver pronto!