"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy..." John 10:10
Macas, Ecuador - March 2009
During the first part of March I took a short trip to see a bit more of the country and diverse culture of Ecuador. Basically up until this time I had only seen Guayaquil, in other words - concrete and cars... Two good friends, also missionaries in Guayaquil invited me to go with them, Dave and Lolly Erdel. Dave was speaking at a church in Macas (a good 12 hours bus ride from Guayaquil) in the evenings for a week. We took a day on the trip to Macas to stop in Baños and see the hot springs and waterfalls and during our time in Macas we had many opportunities to see parts of the jungle. I have many pictures on my Picasa Web Albums which I will post the address to at the end of this blog. During our stay in Macas, the church took very good care of us. Every lunch and dinner we went to a the house of a family from the church. I must admit that I had some problems at first with some of the traditional Ecuadorian food and for about four days straight I had a stomach ache.. I began praying about two hours before each meal that I would be able to keep it down. God definitely answered my prayers and I also got a taste of some traditional jungle foods! It was amazing to meet so many people in this small town in the jungle. They were so hospitable and when I left I truly felt sad, almost as though leaving my own church back in the States. This is one area that I would appreciate your prayers in as I have not found a church like this here in Guayaquil and I am currently looking for a new church that I can join as family! This trip was very encouraging to me and I grew so much in my understanding of Ecuadorian culture and in my love for the people here. As to the references to thieves... Yes, I had my first personal encounter with crime in Ecuador during this trip. We were almost robbed at our hostel! For those of you who are interested in hearing more I can write you the story but honestly this is one that makes a great story in person :)
"Accept one another, then just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise
to God" Romans 15:7
Costa Rica - HIV and AIDS Facilitator Training - March 21-29 2009
I embarked on a training expedition that when I began had no idea how this would affect my life. Honestly, I think I must have had very simplistic and shallow motivations for going to this training, however, God used this week in my life to change my thinking and my heart. I will not be the same. I will endeavor to impart this change but as it is still growing in me, I am not certain how well I will do. This week was basically to teach me how to facilitate workshops and presentations on HIV and AIDS. This is an area of huge need where it seems many times the Church fails to show the love of Christ to those in desperate need. This is only one area though, and I see ideal and stereotypes in my own life that does not reflect the love of Christ. During this week we talked about how we are to love those who are HIV positive - no matter how they might have contracted the virus. To love those who are different. To love all people including those from other religions, homosexuals, drunks, criminals, etc... All, to accept and not to pass judgment. This does not mean that we condone sin but since when were christians, saved from the death of sin, to pass judgment on someone else? Have I forgotten from where I came? Where Jesus saved me from? Even though I have been a follower of Christ since I was 6 years old - my importance and status it at the exact same level of the evilest sinner who is just saved from their sin! Can I pass judgment on those who don't claim to be Christians, when they are still in their sins? Why is it that I expect those who are lost to keep the same values as followers of Christ? Since when did it become my job to give out love, grace and acceptance only when I think that the person is significantly worthy of it? What would happen if I loved freely every person, even those who abuse, hate, drink, are with the other political party, have sexual diseases, lesbians, homosexuals, and those who are just different from me? What would happen if I gave grace not depending on the level of sin of the person but according to the incredible grace that God gave me? What would happen if I accepted people as they are without requiring them to become something worthy of my acceptance? Jesus himself said
What would happen if I really examined my stereotypes and how I really view other different from myself? What would happen? I hope to find out. It is my goal everyday to think of me less and Him more. It sounds so nice here in words but I think the actions are much harder. Please pray with me in this and walk with me. I would love to hear how God is teaching you lately."It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.
But go and learn what this means: I desire mercy, not
sacrifice. For I have not come to call the righteous, but
sinners" Matthew 9:12-13
"Dear children, let us not love with words of tongue but with actions and in
truth" 1 John 3:18
Foundation for Children - Guayaquil, Ecuador
I wrote once before about this children's home. I have now been many times and know most of the children. This photo is of Joel. He is three years old and is the youngest of four siblings, who are also at the home. Their father killed their mother and now he is in jail. We are not sure if the children witnessed the murder or if they only saw the aftermath, however, both are horrible. He is smiling his cute smile in this photo, the one that makes you want to take him home and drown him in the love that every three year old should feel. But the orphanage is understaffed, there are so many children and so little time to spend with each of them. We are trying to teach them concepts like love, forgiveness, respect, sharing, and encouraging. These are fairly new ideas to them. Also the spiritual warfare over these children is intense. Let me tell you more about Joel. Who like many children without supervision does not try to behave or act obedient. One day when Lennart was working at the foundation, he was sitting at the table with Joel and another little boy. Joel stole one of the beads from this boy for a craft that they were doing. Lennart told him that he had to give it back. Immediately, Joel stuck the bead in his mouth. Lennart said once more "Give the bead back to Anthony" Then Joel took something out of him mouth and threw it across the room. Lennart then said that Joel would have to help him look for it until they found it to give it back. So they found something that Lennart thought was the missing bead. He then told Joel to give it back and say he was sorry. Joel very loudly and firmly said "NO" Then Lennart doing something that is not so normal for him said "In the name of Jesus apologize and give back the bead" Immediately without talking back or protesting further, Joel removed the real bead out of his mouth gave it to Anthony and said contritely "Perdoname". This shock Lennart and began to show us some of the realities of the spiritual warfare that is going on in this place. Many children have also complained about the nights in the foundation and claim that there is something or someone that walk around their rooms. Then the last trip to the foundation, Cira shared this story with me about Joel, the three year old. He told Cira that he sees the devil. That the devil carries a big knife. They kept telling him about God's love and how God is stronger than the devil but this little child is convinced that he belongs to the devil. He told Cira that the devil wants to hurt him. Pray for these children! We are not fighting again flesh and blood here! This is only one of the 30 stories.
More Photos, lots more!