Thursday, September 25

truth #3: I do not blend in

Who would have ever guessed that a 5'3" woman with light skin, long blond hair and blue eyes would actually stand out in a country of dark skin, hair and eyes? Yes, you guessed it, me. I don't know why I thought that this time and this country would be different but I didn't really prepare myself at all and was caught by surprise. Let me explain briefly. After four days in Guayaquil, I was feeling pretty comfortable with my fellow workers, my house and even the office. I was ready to explore a bit. My roommate Becky offered to take me to see the mall after church on Sunday. So off we went, just the two of us as Lennart made it very clear that he would rather have teeth pulled with out anesthetic than to go shopping with several women. I don't have a clue why.

So off we went to the mall. Here is where I recieved my first culture shock. The mall contains several stores that malls in the US have, there is almost any product and brand that you can think of, minus Starbucks and Dr Pepper. I was have shock over how similar the mall was to ones that I have been to in Texas! After we walked through everything we decided to drop by the grocery store on the way home to pick up just a few items... Now that I think about it we could have done without them for a day or two... We were in the produce section when I asked Becky a question from several feet away. There was an Ecuadorian man standing between us and some how decided that my question to Becky was his opportunity to talk with us. One problem, he spoke only Spanish and I only speak basic Spanish ... Becky ended up translating all of the conversation for me. To make a long story short, he tried to take advantage of the Ecuadorian greeting with me (a kiss on the cheek), quoted poetry about how my eyes captivated him and ended up following us around the store until we left. Poetry in the produce section!?! After returning home I told Darren and Lennart that I would never again visit the grocery store without one of them! They are quite protective and agreed whole heartedly.

One other interesting experience this week, was on Tuesday, at lunch. We were invited over to my Spanish teacher's house to eat lunch with her family. Lennart and Becky almost didn't go once they heard what was being served. I tend to have a rather strong stomach so I was looking forward to trying a new dish - how silly I was... The dish that we were going to eat is made with the stomach of a cow. Don't ask me which stomach but after my experience I am not sure that it matters! As most of you know I can be rather stubborn, here is one of my moments. I should have known after the first bite not to continue but I was determined. It took me at least half an hour to eat a dozen bites. To say that it isn't my favorite food is far too watered down. It took every once of determination to keep each bite in my mouth... I am breaking out into a cold sweat from just remembering the experience. However, I can now say that I have eaten the stomach of a cow.

The pictures below were taken on Saturday. We were having two people over to cook and eat with us but some how 6 turned into 9 and we ended up having a party. I think that happens a lot here. The key is to always make extra food!
Yes, that is us playing Uno. As many of you know that is my new favorite game. There is a picture of Sarah (Sarita) and me, then one with Becky and her Ecuadorian boyfriend Daniel. The last two pictures are Darren and Lennart before they went to get a haircut and after the haircut.


Anonymous said...

Wow, Tabitha, you are truely brave to have eaten COW STOMACH! Lol. It sounds like you are having a good time so far. You are deffinitally having interesting experiences. I will be praying for you always, and I hope you will stay safe. I love you!


Unknown said...

Very good......

cassielauren said...

haha.. nice. i like the encounter in the produce section. typical. :)

Sarah Retzloff said...

Sounds like fun, though I don't think I could have handled the stomach. Good job on that!