Sunday, February 28

truth #25: On your mark, get set, GO!

February 5 - 7

I have never understood the inner workings of the set up of a short-term mission trip until now.  Budgets, options, legal issues, where, what, who, when and how..  After putting together the basic line up of what will happen April 17 -24 on the OM Medicial Mission trip to Saraguro, we decided to make a visit to the town to pull together the final details.  

Roberto, Cira, Michael, Anneke and I  took a flying trip to Saraguro on Friday the 5th of February.   We looked at hotels, talked in-depth with the pastor of one of the two evangelical churches for 15,000 of the Saraguro community and began finalizing things.  The Church Light and Truth is very exciting about the fast approaching trip and the practial ministry opportunity that this will provide them for their community.  We are still looking for volunteers from the USA to come and partner with us.  If you are in the medical field and would like to help pray about coming.  If you are not medical at all... NO WORRIES!  We also need you!  There are many jobs that need to be done on a medical trip and as long as you are willing and flexible then you are perfect for the job!  Please contact my uncle, Dr. Eddie Moore - , for more details and you will need to go to this website to fill out an application  It would be great to see you!

The Church Light and Truth 

Pastor Miguel and Michael

Just a sighting of Llamas on the way to Saraguro.

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